Tag Archives: attacks from satan

Prayer for Time of Crisis

Prayer for Time of Crisis title image

Prayer for Time of Crisis

This week I wanted to share a Prayer for Time of Crisis (with some foundation scriptures). This prayer is timely during the COVID-19 crisis that our world is currently facing.

A few helpful things to remember during a time of crisis:

  • Our first response during times of crisis should be to go to the Bible to see what God’s word has to say about it.
  • Crisis happens all the time. Whenever a crisis comes up, God has something for us to grab right in the middle of it.
  • If you give the devil enough rope, he’ll hang himself. Satan often overplays his hand, and the very attacks he makes are often the very things that seal his fate. He brings about his own undoing, and God will turn the tables on him bringing his people out even better on the other side of crisis.
  • The people of God come out in victory on the other side because of faith. If we keep our faith, we will get the victory. We have to fight to keep our faith. The devil will try to steal it from us because he knows that’s how we will get our victory.

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” 1 John 5:4 (NLT)

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)

  • Just because we experience crisis doesn’t mean that we aren’t living right or following God. Jesus even told us trouble would come to us.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

Take Some Practical Steps to Pray During This Time of Crisis:

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Don’t Be Surprised When People Hate You

Don’t Be Surprised When People Hate You image

Don’t Be Surprised When People Hate You

Lately, I’ve come across some opposition in a variety of areas. Unfortunately in some of those instances I’ve had to deal with a fair amount of disrespect. It’s been so frustrating because I feel like I’ve handled everything right by correcting in love, affirming and pointing out the good, yet firmly setting boundaries. Even in the midst of showing love, help, and support, I received disdain in return. “Hate” is the word reverberating to me, and that hurts because I’ve done NOTHING to deserve hate. I am legitimately surprised when people hate me. After all, I’m a pretty likable person!

Then one day, after some prayer (and a good amount of tears) I remembered that Jesus experienced undeserved hate. He told us we should expect it too. We shouldn’t be surprised when people hate us.

“And everyone will hate you because you are my followers.” Luke 21:17 (NLT)

“And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved.” Matthew 10:22 (NLT)

“And everyone will hate you because you are my followers. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Mark 13:13 (NLT)

“Hear this message from the LORD, all you who tremble at his words: “Your own people hate you and throw you out for being loyal to my name. ‘Let the LORD be honored!’ they scoff. ‘Be joyful in him!’ But they will be put to shame.” Isaiah 66:5 (NLT)

“Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12 (NLT)

They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.” 2 Timothy 3:3 (NLT)

When people hate you…Welcome to my world

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Wounds Heal But Sometimes There Are Scars

Wounds Heal But Sometimes There Are Scars

Have you ever experienced some kind of pain or trauma in the past but have since recovered and healed from that? Do you have reminders, triggers, or stimuli that bring that past pain up again? Does that mean that you aren’t completely healed? Not necessarily. Personally, I don’t think that this automatically means that you aren’t fully healed. Now, as a disclaimer, let me say that this most certainly could be the case, and that some healing might still be in process (as healing IS often a long process, especially when wounds are deep or trauma is severe). However, I also believe that there are times when wounds heal, but sometimes there are scars left behind.

Even after healing, there may be times when we still experience some subsequent pain. There might even be some external or internal triggers to prompt further pain or remind us of an old injury. There may be some additional healing and recovery to be done. Then again, it may just be a scar serving as a reminder of a wound that once was there.

Let me give you an analogy…an old basketball injury

Several years ago my husband, Eric, completely damaged his ACL and meniscus in his knee. “Obliterated” was the precise word the doctor used. Eric experienced excruciating pain at the time of the injury, and the pain lasted for quite some time. He eventually had surgery replacing and repairing parts of his knee, yet afterward he still experienced some pain for a while during the recovery process. He also had ongoing physical therapy for a while. Again this was all still painful, but the pain gradually diminished as his wound healed.

Though he now has permanent scars, over time the knee was completely healed and the pain was completely alleviated. However, it’s odd because there are times when the weather might trigger a flare up of pain in his knee at the scars. Even though the injury is healed, there is a trigger for pain from time to time. The pain doesn’t last indefinitely, and experiencing pain again doesn’t negate the fact that his injury is completely healed. Nevertheless, because of the old injury he just still suffers from subsequent pain on occasion even after healing, and sometimes there are external triggers that might cause a renewed temporary discomfort, ache, or soreness.

Additionally, because of the old injury and the initial pain affiliated with it, he tends to favor, protect, or guard that knee a little more. He wants to prevent that pain or that same or similar injury from happening again. That still doesn’t mean he’s currently experiencing pain or that it’s not healed. He just tends to be a little more cautious and careful—he’s more aware. He may even avoid some of the activities that were involved in the injury to begin with.

Wounds we experience, the scars left behind, and subsequent pain even after healing

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The Name of Jesus Gives Us an Elevated Position

The Name of Jesus Gives Us an Elevated Position

The Name of Jesus Gives Us an Elevated Position

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV)

When I was little my mom and dad would have my sisters, brothers, and I memorize bible verses. One of the verses that I still remember to this day is Proverbs 18:10. I think one of my favorite memories of this verse was when my twin brothers were very young when we memorized this particular verse, maybe 3 or 4 years old. At mealtimes when we prayed my brothers always wanted to say the prayer, and they would say this verse instead of actually praying for the food. It made us all laugh every time!

“Dear Jesus, The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous [then they would shout this next part at the top of their lungs] RUN INTO IT [and then back to a calm, normal voice] and are safe. Amen.”

As funny as that was, this verse always stuck with me. I knew that the name of God (or Jesus) brought safety. In moments of fear, I remembered this verse and knew I could call of the name of Jesus.

Calling on the name of Jesus as a child

I specifically remember one instance when this verse came to mind. I might have been in the 5th grade (or somewhere around that age). It was winter, and we had a snowstorm that year. We started a fire in our old woodstove fireplace, and after a while we started to hear what sounded like a low roaring thunder sound. My parents noticed the chimney (it was one of those old-time exposed chimneys) started to turn red, and my dad knew immediately that we had a fire in the chimney.

My dad shut the fireplace and called the fire department, and my mom quickly rushed the 5 of us kids outside. As we hurried outside, that verse came to mind. I thought, “Jesus’ name is safe. We need to run to Jesus’ name.” So then I started to say out loud, “We’re safe in Jesus’ name. We’re safe in Jesus’ name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I repeated this over and over.

Within minutes the fire department arrived at our house. Since the fire was still contained in the chimney, the firemen were able to get on top of the roof to put the fire out through the top of the chimney. The fireman tackled the fire from an elevated position (a theme you’ll see repeated as you keep reading). They didn’t even need to use their firehoses. They just shoveled some of the snow from the top of the roof to snuff it out, which was amazing because it eliminated any flooding or damage that a water hose could have potentially caused.

The name of Jesus is a place of safety

The name of Jesus was a place of safety that I ran to in that moment that alleviated my fears and, I believe, protected us from danger and destruction. There have been other situations where I’ve done something similar, calling on Jesus in times of trouble. Even to this day in moments of fear or need, I find myself whispering under my breath, “Jesus, help.” His name is a fortress that I can run to for help and protection. 

A different take on Proverbs 18:10

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Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Last week’s post: Feeling Overwhelmed?

I received a lot of positive response to last week’s post about feeling overwhelmed. This week I thought I’d share some scriptures and a few songs that I like for when these emotions strike. It’s always helpful for me to have a list of go-to scriptures that are printed out or have an image of them to refer to in moments of need. I also like having some go-to songs to get me through certain emotions.

Hopefully you will find these helpful too. These are merely a few relevant scriptures and songs—there are many, many more! Feel free to leave a comment below with your own suggestions!

Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed 

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling overwhelmed?

Do you ever have those days where you just feel overwhelmed? It’s not necessarily any one major thing that bothers you but maybe several little things just all piling up. I’ve had a few of those days recently. When they happened I’ll tend to beat myself up because I start to tell myself, “Why should I be upset? They’re just little things. I should be able to handle this better. What’s the matter with you, Tracy!?”

I’ll give you a recent example…

Eric’s been traveling a lot lately with his new job. He’s loving it, which is awesome, but unfortunately it has put a little bit of extra responsibility and stress on me. I have a whole new respect for single moms now! Major props to all of you out there!! Anyhow, on days that I teach at the college Eric used to pick the kids up for me. Now, I have to make arrangements for others to pick them up. Not a big deal, right?

Kid pick-up

Well, on Wednesdays it’s a little bit more of an ordeal. This semester I don’t get out of class on Wednesdays until 3:30. It’s about a 30 minute drive from the college to pick my kids up. So now it’s 4:00 by the time I get them (or even later if a student happens to corner me after class like this past week). Then it takes me a few minutes to load them up and another 15 minutes to get back home. Now, we’re arriving home around 4:45-5:00.

Church youth group

I volunteer as a small group leader for our youth group every Wednesday, so I have to be at church for a meeting at 6:00. It takes at least 30 minutes to get there, which means I need to leave my house by 5:30. Actually, I need to leave even earlier than that when Eric is out of town because before my meeting I have to take my daughter, who’s not old enough for youth yet, to the church childcare which is in a separate building. THEN…if my son has invited any friends to come to youth group with him (as he usually does each week), I need to add on an extra 30 minutes to be able to drive to pick them up. Basically, that means that now I need to leave my house no later than 5:00.

Isn’t it AWFUL that on some Wednesdays I secretly hope that his friends can’t come?!

A lot on my “plate”, but no time for dinner

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Pray for Your Enemies

Pray for Your Enemies

“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:43-48 (NLT)

Who do you automatically think of when the words “enemy” or “enemies” are used? Do you have a particular person come to mind? Does a certain situation play out in your mind? Is it personal for you or do you think about that word more generally (as in ISIS or terrorists, etc.)?

I think sometimes there are seasons of life. Sometimes we have personal enemies. Sometimes we don’t. Other times “enemy” might seem like too strong of a word, but we still harbor feelings of hurt or abuse caused by someone else. It can be difficult to think of these people who cause us pain in a positive light, much less think of having to forgive, love, and pray for them. However, scripture is very clear what our response to our enemies should be. It is also quite clear in directing us to love and pray for our enemies.

Our response to our enemies should be…

To love and to pray:

“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:43-48 (NLT)

“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Luke 6:28 (NIV)

To control our own temper and overlook an offense or a wrong:

“If you are sensible, you will control your temper. When someone wrongs you, it is a great virtue to ignore it.” Proverbs 19:11 (GNT)

“Good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger, and it is his honor and glory to overlook a transgression or an offense [without seeking revenge and harboring resentment].” Proverbs 19:11 (AMP)

To respond with kindness and not retaliate:

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Study the Devil

Study the Devil …to become familiar with his evil schemes, tactics, and ways.

Study the Devil…to become familiar with his evil schemes, tactics, and ways.

“So that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 (NLT)

Last week I shared about a dream I had and how I felt like it meant that the devil was studying me. I gave a few tips that came up during one of my quiet time devotions about how to engage the enemy. After some more prayer and insight into my dream, I felt like God told me to study the devil.

After I heard “Study him,” I knew I was supposed to be aware of HOW he attacks and be able to recognize some of his ways, tactics, and strategies. I needed to study the devil to start paying attention to how he does things and how/when he lies and causes trouble. Additionally, I needed to think about how he has attacked me in the past.

Now that I knew the devil was studying me, I could be preemptive by turning the tables. Two could play this game!

More insight about my dream

First, I started thinking some more about my dream and some of the possible symbolism in it. I could start by attempting to study the devil in my dream. If the man in my dream was symbolic of the devil, what could I discern from his character in my dream? Here were some of my thoughts…

He disguises himself as less threatening

The man that appeared in my dream seemed fairly unthreatening (skinny, gangly, pale guy). Likewise, the things that the devil uses to come against us might not seem harmful at first glance.

“But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14 (NLT)

He trespasses and invades into areas where he shouldn’t

In the dream I had a sense that the man was asking me questions that he shouldn’t be asking or that he might be trying to do something illegal. The devil is the same way. He tries to do things that he has no right to do. He interferes and invades in areas that aren’t his territory. The devil is an intruder.

“I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber!” John 10:1 (NLT)

He tries to make us trip, stumble, and fall

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