Tag Archives: fight fear by trusting God

Scriptures and Prayer to Smooth Out the Path Ahead

Scriptures and Prayer to Smooth Out the Path Ahead title image

Scriptures and Prayer to Smooth Out the Path Ahead

There may be times in our lives where we are on a bumpy road or know we are headed for one. God never promises that we won’t have trouble or problems (Jesus warned us we would in John 16:33). However, he does promise us that he will never leave us alone and that we can rely on his presence and help through the troubles. We may still have to take that path, but he can smooth out the path ahead.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

“…for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]. So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:5-6 (AMPC)

The Lord tells us throughout scripture that he can smooth out the path ahead for the righteous. The Holy Spirit has reminded me of these verses on several occasions when I was preparing to encounter something difficult ahead, and he prompted me to pray these scriptures back to God. There is power is praying with scripture to back up the prayers!

Scriptures about how God will smooth out the path ahead

There are several verses God making rough places smooth. Some specifically say, “smooth out the path ahead” or “make the rough places smooth”. Others say he will make things level, make paths straight, or straighten things that are crooked or curved. Basically, the messages are that he will make things smooth, level, straight, and remove some of the obstacles or things in the way. In essence, he can make the road a little easier.

Smooth paths

“But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and you smooth out the path ahead of them.” Isaiah 26:7 (NLT)

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16 (NIV)

“I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.” Isaiah 45:2 (NASB)

“And I will make my mountains into level paths for them. The highways will be raised above the valleys.” Isaiah 49:11 (NLT)

“Go out through the gates! Prepare the highway for my people to return! Smooth out the road; pull out the boulders; raise a flag for all the nations to see. The LORD has sent this message to every land: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘Look, your Savior is coming. See, he brings his reward with him as he comes.’” Isaiah 62:10-11 (NLT)

Preparing the way for the Lord

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Psalm 91 Prayer of Protection

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Psalm 91 Prayer of Protection

Last week I shared some scriptures about protection and about how the Lord surrounds people and places with his protection. I used many of these scriptures as a basis for praying a hedge of protection. Today, I thought I’d share some more scriptures on protection, more specifically an entire chapter. This entire passage about protection is found in Psalm 91. We can actually turn this passage into a prayer of protection over ourselves or our loved ones.

In times of trouble, uncertainty, or potential harm it can be easy to fall into a pattern of worry, anxiety, or fear. In those times we can have confidence that we have a God who loves us and wants to protect us and help us in times of trouble. We can call on the Lord for his protection and remind ourselves of his promises in the Bible. Psalm 91 is a wonderful example of God’s promises and desire to protect us. Reading, meditating on, and praying this chapter can give us hope, confidence, and peace, in addition to renewing our faith.

Psalm 91 is full of promises and blessings from God

Psalm 91 is packed full of so many promises and blessings of God such as…

    • Protection
    • Safety from illness, disease, or disaster
    • Ease from anxieties and fear
    • Safety from evil all around us and things that are negatively affecting others around us
    • Justice; Punishment of the wicked
    • Protection for our home
    • Guardian angels to surround us and defend us
    • Promise of God’s presence
    • Victory over dangerous things that might seek to harm us
    • Promise of rescue
    • Promise of long life

Psalm 91:1-16 (NLT)

1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

2 This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.

3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.

4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.

6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

7 Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.

8 Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished.

9 If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter,

10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.

11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.

12 They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.

13 You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!

14 The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.

15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.

16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”

Psalm 91 Prayer of Protection for Others (insert their name)

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Prayer for Time of Crisis

Prayer for Time of Crisis title image

Prayer for Time of Crisis

This week I wanted to share a Prayer for Time of Crisis (with some foundation scriptures). This prayer is timely during the COVID-19 crisis that our world is currently facing.

A few helpful things to remember during a time of crisis:

  • Our first response during times of crisis should be to go to the Bible to see what God’s word has to say about it.
  • Crisis happens all the time. Whenever a crisis comes up, God has something for us to grab right in the middle of it.
  • If you give the devil enough rope, he’ll hang himself. Satan often overplays his hand, and the very attacks he makes are often the very things that seal his fate. He brings about his own undoing, and God will turn the tables on him bringing his people out even better on the other side of crisis.
  • The people of God come out in victory on the other side because of faith. If we keep our faith, we will get the victory. We have to fight to keep our faith. The devil will try to steal it from us because he knows that’s how we will get our victory.

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” 1 John 5:4 (NLT)

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)

  • Just because we experience crisis doesn’t mean that we aren’t living right or following God. Jesus even told us trouble would come to us.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

Take Some Practical Steps to Pray During This Time of Crisis:

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5 Steps to Fight Fear

5 Steps to Fight Fear

5 Steps to Fight Fear

We just celebrated Mother’s Day here in the U.S. this past weekend. As I’m sure any mother could attest, there are a lot of joys to motherhood, but unfortunately there are some downsides too. As a mother, one of the things I’ve had to learn is how to fight fear. It’s almost laughable the things that could go through a mom’s head and the “what if” scenarios that frequently play out in our imaginations!

Learning to fight fear is not only something that comes in handy as a mother but it is also a skill that proves beneficial in all aspects of life regardless of your role. We all need to learn to fight fear. Today I thought I’d share some of my previous crazy mom fears with you in addition to giving you a few steps and strategies that have helped me to fight fear in hopes of helping you overcome your own fears.

Some of my crazy pre-mom fears

In a previous post, I mentioned that before even having kids I had fears about becoming a mom, to the point I used to swear off ever having kids. I feared that I didn’t have what it took to be a good mom. My nature is not typically very maternal, nurturing, nor very “lovey-dovey”. In my mind I didn’t fit the “good mom mold”. I just knew I would mess the kids up.

I feared what having kids would do to my body. Really, I mean stretch marks, droopy boobs, and the potential of never achieving that pre-baby body again means the end of the world, right?  Then of course the potential pain of childbirth was extremely unnerving and fear-inducing.

Now, after having 2 kiddos I know that those fears were unfounded. Although somewhat true, they were nothing to truly fear.  I was able to fight through and overcome each of them.

Crazy new mom fears I had

Then after having kids you wouldn’t believe the crazy scenarios that would play through my head. For example, I explicitly remember that every time I would go into my mom’s bedroom in her house to nurse, I would sit on her bed and immediately start having these fears of lifting the baby up with both arms only to whack their little, soft baby head on the shelves that are over my mom’s bed. In my imagination, this would of course result in severe head and brain injury…blood…death…all from a bookshelf and nursing. Yep. Told you I was crazy!

Or…In my split level home I have a set of brick stairs that go down into the living room. Walking with the baby, I would imagine myself tripping down the stairs and launching the baby into the air across the room where he/she would of course, you know…die.

Then nearly EVERY SINGLE TIME after I would drop the kids off with my mom or whoever else might be watching them, when I would exit my vehicle to go into a gas station, grocery store, or work I would have a minor panic attack…”Did I leave the kids in the car? Did I FOR SURE drop them off already?”

I had frequent crazy fears that I was somehow going to inadvertently kill my kids…forget them…lose them…or just permanently mess them up in some way, shape, or form.

Crazy current mom fears

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How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear-Part 1

Learn how to overcome insecurities caused by fear-Part 1

How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear-Part 1

Many of our self-esteem issues are rooted in fear—fear is a very common cause of insecurity.  We often shy away from things that cause us fear.  We are hesitant to put ourselves out there because we fear what will happen.  These insecurities hold us back from accomplishing great things.  In the bible, ten of the twelve Israelite spies were afraid to enter the land that God had promised them, and because of their fear they remained in the desert for another 40 years.  They didn’t see themselves as God saw them—as formidable conquerors who had God on their side.  Fear kept them from continuing on toward what God had already promised them.

But the other men who had explored the land with him disagreed. “We can’t go up against them! They are stronger than we are!”” Numbers 13:31 (NLT)

Any fear that we allow to take hold of us can actually alter our identity and prevent us from seeing ourselves the way God sees us.  Fear will cause us to see ourselves as flawed and imperfect—which we are, BUT fear allows that image of ourselves to limit what God wants to do through us.  God wants to use us in spite of our flaws, imperfections and mistakes (see this post here for more).  If we will allow Him, God can push us through circumstances that seem impossible, and He can even do it in a way to where those things that cause us fear can actually work to our advantage!

God can overcome any fear—Here are a few examples (click reference to read a related verse): Continue reading