Tag Archives: fear of

How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear-Part 1

Learn how to overcome insecurities caused by fear-Part 1

How to Overcome Insecurity Caused by Fear-Part 1

Many of our self-esteem issues are rooted in fear—fear is a very common cause of insecurity.  We often shy away from things that cause us fear.  We are hesitant to put ourselves out there because we fear what will happen.  These insecurities hold us back from accomplishing great things.  In the bible, ten of the twelve Israelite spies were afraid to enter the land that God had promised them, and because of their fear they remained in the desert for another 40 years.  They didn’t see themselves as God saw them—as formidable conquerors who had God on their side.  Fear kept them from continuing on toward what God had already promised them.

But the other men who had explored the land with him disagreed. “We can’t go up against them! They are stronger than we are!”” Numbers 13:31 (NLT)

Any fear that we allow to take hold of us can actually alter our identity and prevent us from seeing ourselves the way God sees us.  Fear will cause us to see ourselves as flawed and imperfect—which we are, BUT fear allows that image of ourselves to limit what God wants to do through us.  God wants to use us in spite of our flaws, imperfections and mistakes (see this post here for more).  If we will allow Him, God can push us through circumstances that seem impossible, and He can even do it in a way to where those things that cause us fear can actually work to our advantage!

God can overcome any fear—Here are a few examples (click reference to read a related verse): Continue reading