Tag Archives: recognizing love

How to Recognize Love and Feel Loved by Others

Learn how to recognize love and feel loved by others

How to Recognize Love and Feel Loved by Others

**Please read the companion post too: How to Overcome Feeling Unloved or Unwanted.

Last week we talked about how to overcome feeling unloved or unwanted.  We focused primarily on how to know that we are loved and wanted by God.  I truly believe that is the first step in overcoming this kind of insecurity in order to feel loved and wanted.  Once we realize that God truly loves us and wants us, it’s much easier to believe and recognize that we are loved by others in our life.

“We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave his life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers.” 1 John 3:16 (GW)

Sometimes we feel like the people in our life don’t love or want us.  There’s a possibility that might be a reality to an extent (like it was for Leah when Jacob preferred Rachel—Genesis 29).  In most cases though, it’s our perception that is flawed.  The reality is that we ARE loved.  We just don’t recognize it.  Just because we don’t FEEL loved doesn’t mean we aren’t.  Just because it SEEMS like someone doesn’t care, DOES NOT mean they don’t. 

This even happened to Jesus when he was sleeping on a boat during a storm (Mark 4:35-41), and his disciples thought that he didn’t care about them since he was sleeping… Continue reading