Tag Archives: not measuring up

Not Measuring Up to the Standards of Others?

Not Measuring Up to the Standards of Others? Maybe you’re looking at the wrong standard. Learn how to overcome this type of insecurity...

Not Measuring Up to the Standards of Others?

Maybe you’re looking at the wrong standard.

The measuring stick of society and others around us cause many of us to deal with insecurity.  Not measuring up to the standards of others is one of the 9 Common Causes of Insecurity.  Everywhere we turn culture and society are telling us what we should and shouldn’t be.  Society says you need a degree or some type of formal education to succeed.  Commercials and reality TV show us the right car, the best house, and the perfect décor.  Every magazine will tell us the right designer to wear, the cool shoes to have and even the best products that will apparently make us a “somebody”.  Movies show the ideal family or what a “perfect” relationship/marriage looks like.  All forms of media exhibit disgusting displays of what the perfect body of a man or woman should look like.

It’s amazing to me the amount of marketing dollars spent on advertisements to fix any flaw you could imagine.  This isn’t just a modern issue either.  Look at these old advertisements I found…

Not measuring up to the standards of others? Look at this vintage vanity!

Vintage Vanity!

Many of us are surrounded with critical voices in our lives too.  Expectations are thrust upon us from every direction—in our homes, in our jobs, in our schools, in our volunteering, with our families, with our friends, and on and on.  We’re made to feel that if we don’t measure up to the standards of others we are somehow inferior.

So how do we overcome this? Continue reading