Tag Archives: man bag

Funny Friday: It’s a Satchel!

It's a satchel!  Not a purse!

Funny Friday: It’s a Satchel!

Recently it was spirit week in preparation for homecoming at my son’s school.  Each day of the week had a different dress-up theme.  One of the days was “Character Day” where the students were supposed to dress up as a fictional character from a book, movie, cartoon, etc.  My son chose to dress up as Flynn Rider, one of the characters from the Disney movie: Tangled (Rapunzel’s story).  I was a bit concerned that some of the kids in school might tease him about his satchel and call it a purse or something.  You never know with those crazy middle school kids!  The day before as he was getting his costume ready, I informed him that if any of the kids at school called it a purse to tell them, “It’s a satchel! Flynn Rider doesn’t carry a purse.”  He asked me, “What’s it called again?”  “A satchel” I said.

Later that evening, my husband was bringing in some food off of the grill.  He told me that he had left the spatula outside beside the grill and asked me to grab it for him.  My son overhead him asking me to get the spatula, and he said, “What’s my spatula doing outside?”  Confused I said, “What do you mean your spatula?” Then he replied, “You know, that bag for my costume.  Didn’t you say it was called a spatula?”  Through a lot of laughing I replied, “It’s a satchel!”

The next morning as I was dropping the kids off at school, I was trying to make sure he had everything.  He exited the vehicle, and as I was driving off I asked my daughter if she could tell if he left anything in the car.  I couldn’t really tell when he was walking off because he was wearing his backpack too.  She looked around and then said, “Nope.  He got everything.”  I said, “He got all of his costume?”  She replied, “Yep.  Oh, I see him now.  Yep!  He’s wearing his saddle.”  “His what?” I said.  “His saddle,” she said.  “You know, that thing you said his bag was called.”  I again burst into laughter…”It’s a satchel!”

So, whether you carry a purse, satchel, tote, man bag or even a spatula or saddle, you just go right ahead and rock that style!  Happy Friday!

“He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” Luke 22:36 (NIV)