Tag Archives: introduction

Introducing: HappyHealthyandProsperous.com

Do you want to know how to be Happy, Healthy & Prosperous? Come and see...

Hi! Welcome to HappyHealthyandProsperous.com!

Who I am:

My name is Tracy J. Robbins.  I love sharing about life skills for success, pairing those skills with concepts and principles from the Bible, and then explaining to apply them in practical ways in everyday, real-life situations.  I have been teaching, speaking and writing about success skills for years, and one day it hit me that God has just as much to say about our success as any expert here on earth (you’re thinking “duh!” right?).  Most of the success advice we find out there is rooted in the Bible anyway.  God WANTS us to succeed and prosper.  The Bible has A LOT to say about our happiness, our health and our prosperity.  My goal here at HappyHealthyandProsperous.com is to share success skills in a useful way with tips, steps and strategies to utilize while at the same time discovering and implementing what God has to say about it.

To be honest, I really didn’t know exactly what a blog was for a long time.  By the way, “blog” is a shortened word for “web log”—I felt a little smarter when I learned that! 🙂 My “web log” will be an avenue for me to share with you the principles that I’ve learned about developing and sustaining a happy, healthy and prosperous life!

Why I created this site/blog:

  • Some of my friends have prompted me to do so for years. 🙂
  • It gives me the opportunity to have a voice into the lives of people on a much grander scale than just interacting face-to-face.
  • Convenience is key…you can connect with me and read my posts whenever it’s convenient for you.  Yes, that means even in your PJ’s, with glasses on, no makeup and messy, ponytail hair—and I don’t see you!  OK…so maybe I’m talking about myself.  Really though, online learning/interaction is really handy because it’s at your own pace, on your own time, and you can even receive my posts and updates direct to your e-mail.
  • I also love that this form of sharing is interactive, allowing me to communicate with you while at the same time giving you the ability to share your thoughts, ideas, questions, prayer requests, etc. with me (and I encourage you to do so!).  It’s also interactive in that you can share content with others via social media, e-mail, and so on.

What you’ll find here:

This site/blog will discuss Continue reading