Tag Archives: idols

Modern Day Idolatry

Modern Day Idolatry

Modern Day Idolatry

“You must not have any other god but me. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.” Exodus 20:3-4 (NLT)

In this day and age many Christians think idolatry is a thing of the past or a thing of Eastern Religion or third-world countries who serve pagan gods. We tend to think of idolatry as a physical statue or item of worship—a physical image of another god…For example when the Israelites made a golden calf to worship at the base of Mount Sinai (Exodus 32). We often don’t even consider that idolatry is alive and thriving even among Christians today, even in our OWN homes and lives.

Idolatry has been defined as “1. worship of idols; and/or 2. excessive devotion to or reverence for some person or thing”. I like the definition of being “excessively devoted to something”. This seems to render more true of modern day idolatry than to think of worshiping an idol or graven image of a god.

Today idolatry takes on new forms. It’s not just golden statues. It could be anything that diverts attention away from serving God or anything that takes precedence over God. Idols could be simply any pleasure in life that we prioritize over God, any “excessive devotion to something” more than God.

It has to do with what we “treasure”, with what is in our hearts.

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT)

Things we can idolize or “treasure”…

    • People (our spouses/significant others, our children, our friends)
    • Hobbies
    • Work/Career/Performance
    • Fitness
    • Physical appearance/image
    • Social media
    • Entertainment
    • Music
    • Traveling
    • Food
    • Sex/Lust
    • Money
    • Material possessions/superficial gain
    • Fame
    • Power
    • Passions that we pursue
    • Addictions
    • Sometimes it’s even ourselves: “Me, me, me. It’s all about me and what I want and deserve.”

Obsessions, “gods”, and “churches”

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Do You Practice “Etsy” Religion…Handcrafted Christianity?

Do You Practice “Etsy” Religion-Handcrafted Christianity?

Do You Practice “Etsy” Religion…Handcrafted Christianity?

“Yes, the Day is coming when people will notice The One Who Made Them, take a long hard look at The Holy of Israel. They’ll lose interest in all the stuff they’ve made—altars and monuments and rituals, their homemade, handmade religion—however impressive it is.” Isaiah 17:7-8 (MSG)

I read these verses in the Message translation a while back, and immediately what came to mind as I read the words “homemade, handmade religion” was “It’s an “Etsy” religion.” I realized that people still do this…just not in the form of making an actual, physical idol or god to worship.

Handcrafted Christianity

Current culture makes, customizes, and handcrafts their own religion and faith practices, picking and choosing what they want to believe and practice. It’s custom-made for each individual person. No more black and white. No more absolute truth. Relativity abounds. Most certainly we live in an “Etsy” religion culture full of customized & handcrafted Christianity.

For those not familiar with Etsy, it’s an online marketplace where one can go to purchase things that are handcrafted, vintage, custom and/or unique. Hence why I say “Etsy” religion…to use it as an analogy for how many people handcraft, customize and attempt to mold their own unique religion that works for them.

**Disclaimer: To clarify–This is in no way disparaging to Etsy, just merely an analogy. I’m actually a huge fan of Etsy and many things handcrafted, vintage, custom and unique. However, this is NOT how we should participate in our relationship with God.

“Etsy” Religion is no religion at all, handcrafted gods are no god at all

Scripture is pretty clear on creating our own god and on customizing and handcrafting our own faith…

Jeremiah 1:16 (MSG)

“I’ll pronounce my judgment on the people of Judah for walking out on me—what a terrible thing to do!—And courting other gods with their offerings, worshiping as gods sticks they’d carved, stones they’d painted.”

Jeremiah 2:26-28 (MSG)

“Just as a thief is chagrined, but only when caught, so the people of Israel are chagrined, Caught along with their kings and princes, their priests and prophets. They walk up to a tree and say, ‘My father!’ They pick up a stone and say, ‘My mother! You bore me!’ All I ever see of them is their backsides. They never look me in the face. But when things go badly, they don’t hesitate to come running, calling out, ‘Get a move on! Save us!’ Why not go to your handcrafted gods you’re so fond of? Rouse them. Let them save you from your bad times. You’ve got more gods, Judah, than you know what to do with. Continue reading