Scriptures for Understanding the Bible Better

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible Better

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible Better

At my church we are doing 21 days of prayer, and as part of this the church has provided an accompanying devotional booklet taking us through the book of Ephesians. The booklet comprises of daily reading passages of Ephesians in the English Standard Version (ESV). Both of my kids are going through the booklet each day as well, and they expressed some frustrations they were having. They mentioned that they were having a hard time understanding the Bible passages in the booklet.

I explained to them a few things that are helpful when it comes to understanding the Bible. I’ve written about these before:


Pick an understandable translation

I had a sense that what was troubling them the most was just the translation they were reading. Therefore, I told them that first I think it’s important to read in a translation or version that makes sense and is understandable to them. I emphasized that they don’t HAVE to use the reading in the booklet and suggested that they use their own Bibles or use The Bible App where they can pick from a variety of translations or even read passages in a couple of different translations to get a better understanding. I think this helped them significantly.

Pray for Understanding

Secondly, I shared that it always helps me to pray for understanding before I read (or even during my reading). There are a few verses that I turn into prayers that I have written in the front of my quiet time journal. I wrote down on an index card a couple of these verses as prayers for my kids to have to use as a prompt to pray before they read.

“God please open my mind to help me understand the scriptures.” –from Luke 24:45

“Give me understanding so I can learn.” –from Psalm 119:18, 27, 34, 73, 125, 169

Scriptures for Understanding the Bible better

There are a large variety of scriptures from which to choose for understanding the Bible better. Today, I’d like to list several scriptures here about understanding the Bible as a resource for you.

“So the people went away to eat and drink at a festive meal, to share gifts of food, and to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God’s words and understood them.” Nehemiah 8:12 (NLT)

“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance” Proverbs 1:5 (ESV)

My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with knowledge.” Proverbs 8:9 (NLT)

“A mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it, but knowledge comes easily to those with understanding.” Proverbs 14:6 (NLT)

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.” Psalm 119:18 (NLT)

Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34 (NIV)

“Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.” Psalm 119:73 (NIV)

Give discernment to me, your servant; then I will understand your laws.” Psalm 119:125 (NLT)

Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 119:127 (NIV)

The revelation of Your words brings light and gives understanding to the inexperienced.” Psalm 119:130 (HCSB)

“May my cry come before you, LORD; give me understanding according to your wordPsalm 119:169 (NIV)

“Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:45 (NLT)

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26 (NIV)

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” John 16:13 (NLT)

“Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.” John 17:17 (NLT)

“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” Acts 17:11 (NIV)

“When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.” 1 Corinthians 2:13 (NLT)

Asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.” Ephesians 1:17 (NLT)

“Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things.” 2 Timothy 2:7 (NLT)

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV)

“And we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us understanding so that we can know the true God. And now we live in fellowship with the true God because we live in fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only true God, and he is eternal life.” 1 John 5:20 (NLT)

Seek to understand what God shows you, Ask God for understanding and He will give it

I found some additional scriptures that are helpful for understanding the Bible as well because they confirm to us that if we truly seek to understand what God is showing as and that if we ask God for understanding, he WILL give it to us.

As I, Daniel, was trying to understand the meaning of this vision, someone who looked like a man stood in front of me. And I heard a human voice calling out from the Ulai River, “Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of his vision.”” Daniel 8:15-16 (NLT)

“Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.Daniel 10:12 (NLT)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 (NIV)

Seasons of understanding and growth

While looking up these scriptures for understanding the Bible better, a devotional Instagram post that I had just recently read came to mind. I love reading Dave Adamson’s devotions and posts because he often offers a different perspective and cultural insight into scripture. He recently posted on the topic of understanding the Bible and how it can sometimes be confusing. He likened our understanding and growth to seasons of growth…

“Ever found reading the Bible confusing?

If so, then I think this photo will help. Let me explain.⠀
See, there’s a verse in the Book of Proverbs—a book of ancient wisdom—that says the Word of God is “a tree of life to those that lay hold of her”. I love this picture because while we may want to read a book, take a class or listen a podcast to learn everything we want to know about the Bible, this verse reminds me that this “tree of life” takes seasons to grow.⠀
My friend Rabbi Evan Moffic (who I’m launching a podcast with soon) says God’s tree of life only grows in our lives through consistent study, because the Bible “plants us in the soil of tradition, and study nourishes that tree.” Theologian Abraham Heschel describes the Bible this way: “More than 2000 years of reading and research have not succeeded in exploring it’s full meaning. Today, it is as if we had not even begun to read it.” Wow!⠀
Believe me, I love that we live in an age where we can find answers on Google in an instant, and learn skills through YouTube videos … but God still uses the slow method of daily reading—and applying—His word to shape us over many years. So this photo of a tree I took near where I grew up in Australia, reminds me that it takes time for the “tree of life” to take root and grow. Time and wisdom walk hand in hand, they don’t hop, skip or jump.⠀
That’s why I post these devotions every day; to help you grow in your faith. I know the Bible can be confusing. I know you want to get more from it. I just want to help.
How is God currently shaping you through His word?⠀

“Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.” — Proverbs 3:18[1]

Take Some Practical Steps for Understanding the Bible Better:

  • First, revisit these helpful posts and follow the tips:

Tips for Understanding the Bible

Prayer to Help Understand the Bible

What do you do to help you understand the Bible? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below.

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If you know anyone that could benefit from this, please pay it forward!  Share this post via the sharing links below.  “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)

  1. Adamson, Dave. “Ever Found Reading the Bible Confusing?” Instagram, 2019,
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