Scriptures on Freedom

Scriptures on Freedom

Scriptures on Freedom

This week on the 4th of July, the United States celebrates our independence. It was on July 4, 1776, that our nation signed the Declaration of Independence which states that God always intended for human beings to be free exclaiming, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

However, Jesus came to give us more than just physical freedom and liberty. Jesus came to give us freedom from death, sin, and/or anything that enslaves us. Because of Jesus, we can declare independence from sin or anything that holds us captive.

True Freedom

I love the way this article from Focus on the Family articulates what true freedom is…

“Jesus was not setting us free to do whatever we wanted; He was freeing us to do what we ought to do. He was liberating us to walk in relationship with God and to be the kind of people He created us to be. This spiritual freedom is what I call “inside freedom” —  the ability to obey God and choose His will for our lives.

And this is the freedom that sin had long denied us.

Jesus shocked the Pharisees, the spiritual leaders of His day, when He stated, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin” (John 8:34). Jesus was asserting that we are all under the power and control of a natural tendency to sin; we can’t get away from it by ourselves.

Sin brings a penalty that, by ourselves, we can’t escape either. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

How do we find freedom from the penalty and power of sin? That comes through accepting Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross as the payment for our sin. As we submit to Christ, sin loses its power — Christ’s power takes over. As we choose to trust and follow Him, our sinful habits, thoughts and attitudes lose their control. Guilt disappears, and peace of mind dominates. Right habits become the norm. That’s freedom — true freedom!”[1]

Scriptures on Freedom

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Funny Friday: But Jesus had long hair

But Jesus had long hair meme

Funny Friday: But Jesus had long hair

In honor of the upcoming Father’s Day in the U.S., here’s a funny meme…

Son: I want a car.

Dad: Get a haircut.

Son: But Jesus had long hair.

Dad: Jesus walked everywhere.

“…Jesus walked [from place to place] in Galilee…” John 7:1a (AMP)

Stop Being Negative!

Stop being negative

Stop Being Negative!  How I had to learn this, EVEN in the most magical place on Earth… 

We sometimes have to be purposeful and intentional to stop being negative.  It’s so easy to get into these ruts of complaining and negativity.  We tend to dig ourselves deeper the more we give in to these feelings.  That’s why it’s so imperative that we are deliberate about not letting negative situations and circumstances consume us.  It will take some effort to stop being negative.

Not so happy and magical

To give a personal example, I’ll share about my family’s vacation to Florida to visit Universal Studios and Walt Disney World several years ago.  To be honest, at times it was very difficult for me NOT to focus on some of the treatment we received at Disney, especially with the amount of money we spent on this trip (we could have bought a small car!).  I had such high expectations going into the trip because I had always heard of the wonders of Disney’s amazing customer service and how they go above and beyond to make your stay with them special and magical.  Disney is supposed to be known for being the happiest and most magical place on earth.  Sadly, many of our experiences there were anything but that.

We encountered rude and condescending employees at every turn, saw people who really didn’t seem to enjoy their jobs at all, received lackluster service (or no service at all) on a number of occasions, and frequently had to spend close to two hours just to get from one place to another (sometimes causing us to arrive late to reservations…thus giving an additional reason for a Cast Member to treat us rudely).  Needless to say, it was hard not to be negative and to avoid complaining.  To try to be positive and encourage somebody else on top of all of that seemed almost unrealistic.  I’m ashamed to admit that I was not always successful in remaining positive and encouraging.  I was downright frustrated.

Gratitude and seeing the good

There were times though that through frustration and all, I could see positive things if I tried and if I focused on them. However, I did have to be intentional about it in my moments of disappointment.  I had to remind myself that we were very blessed to even be able to go on a trip like this because many families would never even dream of being able to do this.  It was important to stop and look at my children’s smiles and see that they were making lifelong happy memories.  I reminded myself that long after our trip is over we’ll probably only remember the happy times.  It was also uplifting anytime I heard the Christmas music and saw Christmas decorations (FYI…Christmas is my favorite. For real.).

I could also see the exceptionally good employees and good times if I really tried to focus on them.  When the lady at a resort restaurant check-in was extremely rude to us for arriving too early for our dinner reservation, we walked outside to a campfire to hang out for a while and kill some time.  It was a pleasant surprise to have one of the Cast Members outside offer to let the kids use her night vision goggles to try and see some of the animals there at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.  They were sooo excited!  So instead of letting the rude lady ruin my night, I had to focus on the positive experience we had with the kind person who paid special attention to my kids and gave them a wonderful memory of seeing giraffes roaming around in the dark.

When I lost my phone

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Funny Friday: Old fashioned candy necklace

Old fashioned candy necklace meme

Funny Friday: Old fashioned candy necklace

I saw this one making the rounds the other day and found it very relatable. 🤦 “OK, hear me out…an old fashioned candy necklace but with Ibuprofen and Tums…”

“And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t abandon me when my strength is failing.” Psalm 71:9 (NLT)

God Can Bring a “Resurrection” to our “Deaths”

God can bring resurrection to our deaths title image

God Can Bring a “Resurrection” to our “Deaths”

Recently I heard Phil Wickham’s song “Sunday is Coming” which was released just before Easter this year. The song speaks the message that Jesus’ death is good because it’s followed by his resurrection (“Friday’s good cause Sunday is coming, Don’t lose hope cause Sunday is coming[1]). The significance is that death wasn’t the end (“They laid Him down inside that grave, but that wasn’t the end…[2].

It’s a perfect Easter song, but after hearing it, a couple of other situations came to mind that made me think of the song. A number of people I know are experiencing a variety of losses. The losses include things like the ending of a season of life, the ending of a long-term relationship, the loss of a job/home/friends, and a loss of dreams or what they had hoped for their future (in other words a loss of what could have been). I liken these losses to a “death” of sorts because we grieve these losses.

As I prayed for these losses or “deaths”, Phil Wickham’s song entered my thoughts. Having tremendous empathy, my heart was aching and grieving for what they must be going through. While praying for their comfort, peace, healing, and future a thought came to mind: “These ‘deaths’ are not the end. With God, there can be a resurrection of new things in their lives!”

In hopes that this analogy might be an encouragement to others, this post will share some of the spiritual insights of “deaths” followed by a “resurrection” (bearing in mind these are not literal deaths and literal resurrections but rather figurative).

Some deaths are followed by a glorious resurrection

On several previous occasions and even recently on a podcast, I’ve heard Pastor Willie George say that “Every death in Christ is followed by a glorious resurrection. God takes the things that we die to and resurrects them in power and holiness so that we do not lose what we present to Him![3] He’s taught before that when we have to give something up or lose something for the sake of Christ, God will bring about a resurrection in our life.

Pastor George gave some examples of sacrificing and giving up certain hobbies and things like hunting, hobbies when his kids were young in order to spend quality time with them and involve himself in their interests. He then stated how God paid him back even better later after his kids were grown and resurrected some of those dreams and hobbies. In fact, God restored his hobbies to life to the point where he’s even turned his love for the outdoors and hunting into a new ministry now—something even better than he could have originally dreamed.

Some “deaths” and sacrifices are good because there will be a resurrection to follow. Additionally, God may bring new life to something we’ve given up or lost in ways that are even better than we can ask or imagine.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20 (NIV)

Take up your cross

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Funny Friday: Jesus doesn’t need to take the wheel

Jesus doesn't need to take the wheel meme

Funny Friday: Jesus doesn’t need to take the wheel

At this point, Jesus doesn’t need to take the wheel. He needs to pull over and spank some of y’all with his flip flop.

“Children just naturally do silly, careless things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave.” Proverbs 22:15 (GNT)

“Make Me Feel Important”

Make Me Feel Important

Imagine that everyone that you meet is wearing a sign that says, “Make Me Feel Important”

In a recent post, we discussed how we are often more important than we realize. So today, I thought I’d flip the script a bit and repost an older article about how we need to make others feel important by imagining that everyone wears a sign that says, “Make me feel important.”

My church is a pretty large church in Tulsa, OK.  There are several things that our church does to make a big church feel a little smaller with small groups, serving opportunities, outreaches, etc.  One of the things we used to do was called a “section community” which is defined as people who connect weekly by sitting in the same section of the auditorium when they come to church.  Each section has section leaders who facilitate connection among the section members.

My section had some pretty great leaders—Scott and Dawn.  One way they connected with us on a regular basis outside of service was through some encouraging e-mails and Facebook posts.  One time they sent an e-mail that I TOTALLY loved, and I got their permission to share it on my blog.  It’s about how we, as Christians, should be treating others.  In particular, they shared how we should imagine that everyone that we encounter on a day-to-day basis is wearing a sign that says, “Make me feel important”.

Here is Scott and Dawn’s e-mail message:

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You Are More Important Than You Realize

You Are More Important Than You Realize

You Are More Important Than You Realize 

It’s notable to mention that it is highly likely that you are more important than you realize.  I would venture to guess that your gifts and the roles that you play probably hold far more weight in the kingdom of God than you probably give them credit for.  One day when we stand before God and give an answer for how we used our gifts and fulfilled our purpose, it will be exciting to see the magnitude of our influence here on this earth.  I believe that God thinks that YOU are a pretty big deal! 😉 

As we are coming to the close of a school year, it’s a good reminder for educators, staff, students, and parents alike. I’ve mentioned it before and the same is true now…you might be making a difference in the lives of others without even realizing it.

You and your gifts are necessary

God has given each and every person here on this earth a unique set of gifts and a purpose to fulfill.  Each gift and purpose is vital to God’s plan.  In fact, the Bible uses the analogy of a body and its different parts to demonstrate this point.  Each part of the body is necessary in order for the body to function properly (as God intended), and each God-given gift, role, and purpose is necessary in order for God’s kingdom, or the “body of Christ”, to function properly.

We are the body of Christ, and just as a body has many parts, so does the body of Christ.  The parts are placed exactly where God wants them (1 Corinthians 12:18).  Our gifts are part of this body.  There are a lot of them, and they all have different functions.  They all work together as part of a whole.  Every part is necessary.  We need all of the parts, just like God needs all of our gifts.

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well…” Romans 12:4-6 (NLT)

It’s tempting, but unwise, to compare our gifts with those of others

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