Tag Archives: coronavirus

Seize the Day

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Seize the Day

A few months ago I was going through some old journals of mine from college to find some things to help one of the girls in my youth group. As I was thumbing through the pages, I found a poem, “Seize the Day”, I had written about not worrying about the future.

My student I was working with loved the poem and took a picture of that page in my journal. Even though that was months ago, she just recently shared with me and the other girls in our small group that the poem has really helped her and that she still reads it often. I was touched that something that I had just written in a private quiet time over 20 years ago could be beneficial to someone now.

As I was pondering what to write about this week, that poem came back to mind because of the words “Seize the day”. It felt a little appropriate for many reasons. Primarily at the front of my mind are the graduating seniors that have missed out on so much their senior year because of COVID-19. There are still so many unknowns in the future and so much loss experienced over the past few months. Seize the day seems like some timely advice for graduates who will not get this time back.

It’s also wise counsel for so many others of us who are also affected by this COVID-19 crisis. We can live in the past mourning all of the things that we are missing. We can fret about the future and what is to come (or NOT come) and the timing of it all. OR…We could seize the day and live in this present moment, trusting God.

23 years ago…

In my journal entry I wrote about how God had worked some things out that I had been worrying about. I honestly do not remember any of the specific details of that time (and my journal entry was a bit vague), but the point was that God came through when I just trusted him instead of worrying. I was writing to remind myself to stop worrying, trust in God, and make the most of my present moments in the process.

Here is my journal entry from January 20, 1997

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Acts of Kindness and Good Deeds

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Acts of Kindness and Good Deeds

We have some new little neighbor kids who just moved here from Phoenix a couple months ago. They’ve been coming to the back of the neighborhood where we live and playing in our creek/ditch. Their mom said it’s their favorite place in the whole neighborhood because of the trees and rocks and creek and such. They come catch tadpoles and frogs and crawfish.

I got an idea for act of kindness that my daughter and I could do for these little ones. I can’t take credit for the idea though. It came from my friend Kim. She and her daughter painted some rocks and put them out on walking paths as a surprise for some little girls in their neighborhood to find on their walks. This was such a great idea that my daughter and I decided to duplicate it for our new neighbors.

We painted some rocks in some fun designs and then set them all out in our creek for the kids to find when they come back to play sometime. The anticipation has been so exciting as we’ve been waiting on them to come back to find their surprises. We’ve even talked about expanding our idea to set little decorated rocks out at the base of some of our neighbors mailboxes as an act of kindness for them too so they might have a little fun surprise when they get their mail. Then we discussed even making more to take to some nature trails to lay out for other families and kids to find out some point, and we talked about making some to put in geocaches we find too.

Good deeds rock painting collage

Good deeds painted rocks collage

Expressing an act of kindness is a fun way to pass time

Doing good deeds and seeing the creative ways that others have done good deeds has been a wonderful way to pass the time recently during the COVID-19 pandemic as so many of us are homebound. We love watching clips lately from Some Good News, or following Good News Movement and Global Positive News on Instagram. It’s also fun to get inspiration from those internet or Pinterest posts tagged “faith in humanity restored”. If you’re ever having a bad day these are all good places to focus on the good, pure, lovely and admirable things.

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

However, these are also some great places to get some good ideas for some good deeds! Jesus tells us to love our neighbor. (I’ve even written before about loving your actual neighbor.)

“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31 (NIV)

This commandment is only second in importance to loving God with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength.  I also personally believe that the second command—to love our neighbor—is one way HOW we go about showing our love for God in a tangible, practical way.  We can do this by doing good deeds, loving people, and showing God’s compassion and kindness toward them.  It really does stand out in today’s narcissistic and self-entitled culture where people rarely go out on a limb for another.

They will know we are Christians by our love

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Stressed Out?

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Stressed Out?

I don’t typically think of myself as a person who gets stressed out easily, and I don’t often get too overwhelmed. I’m a fairly good multitasker–not necessarily good at doing several things at once but being able to prioritize several things. Since all of the COVID-19 mess and shelter-in-place orders though, everything seems equally urgent and important. Additionally, so many things lately are completely out of my control, which I DON’T like.

There were multiple things to do, all with a sense of urgency. I was wearing many hats and had lots of things on my plate. So many things were time consuming, and it never seemed like there was enough time to get it all done. I love a good to-do list because they tend to help me feel less stressed. Though one day I made a to-do list with about 8-10 items on it…I only finished 2 of them that day, which made me feel even worse.

On top of that, several people were making demands of me, and it felt like everybody wanted (insert demand) RIGHT NOW. I hate letting people down, and I always want to lend a helping hand where I’m able. However, I found myself getting irritated about not getting my stuff done because of people asking and expecting me to do things.

Thus, I would definitely have labeled myself as very stressed recently. I have found a few things that have proven extremely helpful during this season, so I thought I would pass them along in case others might be a little stressed too.

Helpful advice from others when I’m stressed

It’s always a good idea to have a good support system and to reach out and take heed to the counsel of trusted people in your life. Fortunately I surround myself with an excellent support system that can talk some sense into me when I don’t always think clearly. My husband, Eric, reminded me that sometimes it’s okay to let some things go. He pointed out where I might be putting unrealistic expectations on myself.

My boss at the college where I teach reiterated to me that we are in “good enough” mode, not “best practices” mode. I think she knows how we like to do our jobs with excellence, but she reassured us that the college would be understanding in times of crisis where we sometimes just need to do what it takes to get by.

I had some great counsel from a couple of friends who already homeschool their kids and work from home. They were able to guide me to be flexible with a routine, not rigid (not my structured-self tends to be) and to remember that each child is different and would work at different paces and have different needs.

I received counsel and a few other friends and family members reminded me that I need to set boundaries, say “no”, ask for help, and delegate what I can.

All of the advice and reminders really helped to lift a weight I felt. In addition to these things, I spent some extra time reading devotions about managing stress and spending some extra time in prayer and reading my Bible, where I was able to get even more wise counsel on being stressed. Specifically, I was able to pull out a few strategies from reading Philippians 4. Check them out…

Take Some Practical Steps When You Are Stressed Out:

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