Tag Archives: Speaking to God

How to Pray: Be Specific, Bold, Expectant, and Thankful

There are some things a lot of people leave out in their prayer life. Learn how to pray by being specific, bold, expectant, and thankful in your prayers.

How to Pray: Be Specific, Bold, Expectant, and Thankful

This week we’re still on the topic of prayer.  Previously we discussed some of the reasons to pray, places/times to pray, and some examples of how to pray (here and here).  I’d like to continue discussing more on how to pray by being specific, bold, expectant, and thankful in our prayers.  These are some things I’ve learned over the years that I think a lot of people either leave out or are negligent in doing in their prayer life.

I’m so very thankful for my pastor teaching us these principles of prayer over the years.  These principles work.  Because I’ve learned these things and have put them into practice in my life, I have experienced a very powerful and effective prayer life.  My husband, Eric, was even joking with me once about my prayers getting answered.  A song that got on my nerves came on the radio, and I made a face at him and groaned.  Then, a few seconds later, the radio just went silent, and Eric said “Did you pray for that to happen?”  I replied with a smirk, “No, but I’m glad that you recognize the power of my prayers!”  If you will put these principles of how to pray into practice, you too will have a powerful and effective prayer life.

How to Pray: Be SPECIFIC when making requests of God and include scripture.

I learned early on from my pastor that God wants us to be specific in our prayers and when approaching Him with our needs.  We shouldn’t just go to God listing all of our problems.  We should tell Him how we want Him to help. When we are requesting something of God, we need to state our specific request.  I heard Kenneth Copeland say once that if you’re praying for “nothing in particular” that’s just about what you’re gonna get!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

The New Living Translation says “tell God what you need”.  I think it’s also important to remind God of His Word and promises.  In other words, find a scripture or a promise in the Bible to back up what you are asking for.  God wants us to remind Him.  In fact, He tells us to do so—to put Him in remembrance…

Put me in remembrance; let us argue together; set forth your case, that you may be proved right.” Isaiah 43:26 (ESV)


Instead of saying,

“God, we’re short on money.  I can’t afford to pay this unexpected medical expense.  Please help me.”

Be specific and say,

“God, we’re short on money.  I can’t afford to pay this unexpected medical expense.  Your word says in Philippians 4:19 that you will provide all of my needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  I need $800 to pay for this medical bill.  Please provide a way for this $800 need to be met—either by providing the money somehow or by providing an idea or means of obtaining this money.  Thank you for hearing me and for providing my need.”

The second approach states not only the problem but the specific request along with a scripture to remind God (and us) that He is our source and provider. 

How to Pray: Be BOLD and have confidence when approaching God.

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How to Pray: Speaking From the Heart

How to Pray: Speaking From the Heart

How to Pray: Speaking From the Heart

I think so many times people shy away from praying or hesitate to pray because they simply don’t know how to pray.  Previously we discussed the whys and whens and wheres of praying.  I’d like to spend a little time now on the hows.  We’ll look at some of the best ways to speak to and approach God.  Discussing in a few different posts, I’ll share some ways of “how to pray”.  In this post, I’ll focus on how to pray by speaking from the heart.

Afraid of not doing it “right”

I know from personal experience that praying can seem intimidating (especially if you have to pray out loud).  I’ve always been a rule-follower, and sometimes I’ve been reluctant to pray for fear of not doing it right.  I was afraid that God wouldn’t hear me or answer me if I didn’t know how to pray correctly or follow the right pattern or recipe for prayer.  I’ve heard so MANY formulas over the years!  Which one is the right one?  Which one do I use for which occasion?  What if I get it wrong?  What if I leave a step out?

Well, I’ve learned that there are really many effective ways you can pray.  However, all in all, the most important thing I’ve learned is that God is understanding and meets you where you are.  Contrary to popular thinking, He’s NOT a legalistic God who says, “Oh…you didn’t give praise and thanks first before making a request of me. Too bad, so sad.  Guess you’re not going to get your prayer answered this time.”  God cares more about speaking from the heart than He cares about the specific words or the way that we pray. He wants us to pour our hearts out to Him and be just honest.  He wants us to just be ourselves with Him. God already knows what we think and feel anyway.

“The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” James 5:16 (AMP)  

Want powerful and effective prayers? Don’t be fake.

It’s the earnest and heartfelt prayers that are the powerful and effective ones.  For me, it’s such a turn-off when I hear prayers that sound so fake and ingenuine.  Prayers like…

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15 Reasons Why We Pray

15 Reason Why We Pray...Learn the importance and reasons for prayer

15 Reasons Why We Pray

I’ve been on the receiving end of so many answered prayers.  I cannot even begin to count the prayers that God has answered, both big and small.  From… Eric getting out of a military assignment that would have taken him away for over 12 months soon after we were married, to having a happy, healthy baby after a miscarriage, to financial provision right when we needed it, to something as simple as finding lost car keys… God has proven faithful time and time again.  My only complaints would be that God’s answers to my prayers didn’t always come in MY timing 🙂, and sometimes His answer was not the answer I wanted or expected (at the time).  Over the years and after a lot of practice praying, I’ve discovered the importance of prayer and the many reasons why we pray.

I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.  So, I thought I’d share some of the reasons why we pray and the importance of prayer.  Then, in other posts we’ll discuss some of the logistics of prayer…when to pray, where to pray, what and how to pray, and even some of the hindrances to prayer.

We need to make prayer a regular part of our daily lives.  There are many reasons why we pray and why we should speak to God.  In order for any relationship to thrive, there MUST be communication.  Our relationship with God is no different.  It is imperative that we communicate with God on a daily basis.  I’ve come up with 15 reasons why we pray. Obviously, I’m sure there are so many more, but here are some excellent reasons to get us started 😉 …

15 Reasons Why We Pray: Continue reading

Ask God About Your Gifts And Purpose

Ask God About Your Gifts And Purpose...He is your artist and author.

Ask God About Your Gifts And Purpose

This past week we talked about how you have to look for and discover your gifts. It’s kind of like you’re a detective on a case trying to solve a mystery. One of the steps of the search process is to ask God about your gifts and purpose. After all, He’s the one who created you! If anybody would know what your gifts are and how you are supposed to use them it would be God.

I guess you could liken it to inquiring about a painting. Who would you ask if you had questions about the details of a painting? The artist, of course. What about a book that has left you with some questions? Who would you ask if you wanted to know more than what was on the surface? You would ask the author! The creators of the works have all of the knowledge and the inside scoop. They knew what they had in mind when they created their work.

God: Artist and Author

Similarly, God is your creator. God is your artist. You are His Masterpiece.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

God is the also the author who has already written your story. Because of that, He already knows how it ends!

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)  

Therefore, when you have questions about yourself and how you were made, Continue reading