Tag Archives: God-given gifts

Your Gift Will Make Room For You

Your Gift Will Make Room For You

Your Gift Will Make Room For You

God gave us our gifts and our talents for a couple of purposes.  One is to point people to Him, which we’ll talk more about later.  Another purpose of our gifts is to bring us prosperity, honor, influence and happiness.  Pretty cool, huh?!  The bible says that your gift will make room for you.  I’d like to encourage you today that God does want you to be Happy, Healthy & Prosperous, and He will use your GIFTS to help you accomplish that!

Your gift will make room for you…your gift is designed to prosper you, to make you money and bring you wealth, and to provide for you. Your gifts were designed to help you make a living.  They will advance you in life and move you forward.  God wants to bless you through your gifts.  In turn, your gifts will be a blessing for other people too.  Your gifts will meet a need, and consequently you will be compensated for that.  It’s a win-win!

It’s pretty cool to me that I actually get to do what I love (teach, write, speak) and get paid for it!  I think for so long I felt like I was just going through the motions in life, in my jobs, and in my roles.  I lacked a sense of purpose.  I think a major factor in that was that I hadn’t discovered my gifts yet and wasn’t fully using them.  I was frustrated because I was operating outside of my gifts.  When I started to discover my God-given gifts and started to use them, joy was an automatic by-product.  Knowing that I was helping others with my gifts and getting paid to do so was a huge bonus!  The proverb that your gift will make room for you started to make a lot of sense to me. 


“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” Proverbs 18:16 (AMP)

“A present [gift] is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; Wherever he turns, he prospers.” Proverbs 17:8 (NKJV)

“But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” Deuteronomy 8:18 (NIV)

When we faithfully operate in our gifts the way God intended (to serve Him and His people), those gifts will bring promotion into our life.  If used right, Continue reading

You Will Have to Answer to God for How You Used Your Gifts and Fulfilled Your Purpose

You Will Have to Answer to God for How You Used Your Gifts and Fulfilled Your Purpose

You Will Have to Answer to God for How You Used Your Gifts and Fulfilled Your Purpose

We talked a couple of weeks ago about how we will one day be evaluated by God.  Part of that process will be an evaluation of how we used and stewarded our gifts, talents, calling & purpose that God has given us.  We will have to answer to God for what we did with what He gave us.  Essentially, we will have to give account for how we used our gifts and how we fulfilled God’s plan for our life.

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.” Romans 14:12 (NIV)

“For we must all appear and be revealed as we are before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive [his pay] according to what he has done in the body, whether good or evil [considering what his purpose and motive have been, and what he has achieved, been busy with, and given himself and his attention to accomplishing].” 2 Corinthians 5:10 (AMP)

“For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds.” Matthew 16:27 (NLT) 

In John 17:4 (Message Translation) when Jesus was praying at the Last Supper he said, “I glorified you on earth by completing down to the last detail what you assigned me to do.”  Even Jesus had an assignment for which he had to answer to God.  Just as God had an assignment for Jesus, He has an assignment for us as well.  It’s up to us to figure out what that assignment is and then to use our God-given gifts to fulfill it.

It is our responsibility to discover and use what God has given us.

The famous 1800’s preacher, Charles Spurgeon said in his sermon Our Gifts and How to Use Them, “Every living saint has his or her charge to keep — their talent, over which they are a steward. A measure of gift is in all of us, needing to be fanned into a flame.”  His sermon uses the example of Paul telling Timothy not to neglect the gift that is him.

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”  2 Timothy 1:6 (NIV)

Rick Warren, renowned pastor and author of The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, stated in a devotional (‘Make the Most of Your Talents’), “You are a manager of the gifts God has given to you.  They may be great or small in your eyes, but they matter to God.  Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2 NIV).  When God made you, he made an investment in you, and he expects a return on that investment.” 

We can see an example of that statement Continue reading

You Have God-Given Gifts

You Have God-Given Gifts

You Have God-Given Gifts

Last week we talked about measuring whether or not we are operating in our gift and how sometimes our frustrations can be indicators.  There were points in my life where I KNOW that I wasn’t using my gifts, and I’m sure of that now because of the frustration that I was experiencing during those times.  I don’t think I fully comprehended that God has given me some gifts that He wants me to use in order to fulfill the calling and purpose that He has placed on my life.  If you are experiencing some frustrations in your job, career or role that you play, maybe you need to start focusing on the God-given gifts placed inside of you and determine if and how they fit into your current roles.  This starts with first and foremost recognizing that you ARE indeed gifted! 

I actually changed my major in college because of frustrations and not recognizing my gifts.  At the time, I didn’t even know that it had anything to do with my God-given gifts.  I just knew I was miserable in my classes and couldn’t imagine a life-long career doing something I hated.  I originally majored in Accounting and had imagined myself one day becoming a tax attorney.  Then I started taking some classes for Accounting.  I did well in them, but I absolutely HATED them.  They were so boring to me.  I didn’t enjoy working with numbers.  I much preferred writing papers to filling out a balance sheet.  There was so much paperwork and so little interaction with people.

After researching the career more, visiting with my professors and taking a few classes, I quickly realized that Accounting was not the path for me.  I knew it would not make me happy because I wouldn’t get to do the things I enjoyed most.  Those are the things that I now know as my God-given gifts.  Thankfully, my frustrations guided me away from a career that God never intended for me.  I think if I had known more about my God-given gifts I could have avoided some of that frustration, and I could have saved the time and money of taking classes I didn’t need!

I now know that God has given me gifts.  Continue reading

Do Others Have a Gift You Wish You Had?

Do you ever look at another's gift or talent and wish you could do what they do? Learn more about your gifts and how they can complement others' gifts.

Do Others Have a Gift You Wish You Had?

I didn’t get the creative genes gift in my family, at least not when it comes to decorating, crafting, sewing, etc.  My mom and my sister Shawna probably possess the creative prowess in these areas of a hundred people.  Not me.  Nope.  Give me something to write, teach or stick me in front of a crowd of people to speak any day!  But put me in a room of kids to pull off a birthday party, and I’m toast.  That is utter torture to me.

Thank goodness my kids have their aunt and grandma!  Without them my kids’ birthdays would consist of some really sad decorations (or none at all), maybe a really ugly but yummy cake (I can cook even if it doesn’t look pretty), maybe a few family members over to our house (or better yet a restaurant, that way I don’t have to clean up after everyone), and probably some pretty cool presents (I AM really good at shopping 🙂 ).  I guess I’m somewhat of a minimalist.  I typically like to keep things simple—probably more because I’m not very good at the creative stuff.  It’s not one of my gifts or talents.  I am so very thankful that God made us so that our gifts complement one another.

I’ve learned that that keeping things simple is not all bad.  I’ve also learned that my kids can have the really cool birthday parties, and it’s STILL simple.  It’s simple because I’ve learned the art of delegation.  I simply delegate those tasks that I’m not good at or that seem torturous to me to others who actually enjoy doing them and are quite good at them to boot.  In other words, it’s their gift to do those tasks that I despise.

Take this past weekend for example. Continue reading