Tag Archives: remembering

Taking Notes Effectively

Taking Notes Effectively

Taking Notes Effectively

Today’s post is more practical in application. This past week I was just visiting with a friend who homeschools her children about some resources for note taking. I thought it might be beneficial to share some resources here as well. After all, good note taking skills aren’t just important for students in school. It’s useful in our jobs during training, meetings, conferences, and in continuing education. It’s also useful in church or for taking notes during a podcast or video message.

Some of this might be very basic or seem redundant if you already have a habit of taking notes. Nevertheless, you never know when you might be able to tweak or improve your note taking style or even get a few new ideas! If you’re NOT a note taker, revisit this post about the importance of writing things down. Basically, when you take notes, you remember the material better, plus you have something to refer back to later on.

The process of taking notes

The process of taking notes involves three phases: before, during, and after. Before taking notes you must learn effective preparation and observation methods. During the process of taking or recording your notes (i.e. actually writing something down) there are several helpful methods to make the process more effective. Lastly, after taking notes, it’s very important to review them in order to transfer the information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory and to retain the information better.

Becoming a good note-taker is a process in itself. You have to find the method or combination of methods that work best for you, and it sometimes takes practice and some trial and error. Every individual is different, so what works for you may not work for a different person. Different learning styles also come into play when deciding the most effective way of taking notes.

Make it plain

When considering taking notes, I think it’s important to note what the Lord told Habakkuk when he was making complaints and requests to the Lord:

“And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2 (ESV)

The Lord told Habakkuk to write down plainly the important things to be revealed (i.e. the vision and answers to his questions and complaints). He says to do this in order that “he may run who reads it”. Other versions say things like–so that the correct message can be carried to others, so it can be easily read, or so that one can read it quickly. Makes sense, right? The whole point of taking notes is to help you retain the information and have a reference to go back to and read over or study.

Our goal today will be to learn some effective and proven methods of taking notes in order to write down the correct and important information in order to retain it, record the notes in an easy and “plain” way and to make them useful for future use and review.

Order and organization—characteristics of God

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Keeping a Written Account Can Help You and Others

Keeping a Written Account Can Help You and Others

Keeping a Written Account Can Help You and Others

I’ve written before about the importance of writing things down, specifically when it comes to taking notes during church or journaling during your quiet times. There are so many benefits both to us and to others when we have a written account of something that we have learned or heard. We merely have to look at the bible to see a prime example of that.

This is something I teach both in my college classes and at Glory House, the women’s restoration home where I volunteer. The importance of having a written account of your learning and of your walk with God are fundamental lessons in my classes.

Today, I’d like to look at three examples from accounts of David, Mary (Jesus’ mother), and John to help us further learn how a written account can help us.

A written account from David

David was the primary author of the majority of the Psalms. The Psalms contain a combination of cries to God in times of despair, praise to God in times of celebration and confessions to God of sin along with pleadings for forgiveness. There are a vast range of emotions recorded throughout the book of Psalms.

What was the importance of David (and other authors of the Psalms) recording such a vast range of emotions along with cries, praise and pleadings to God? I, personally, have benefitted from David’s writings because they help me to feel “not-so-crazy”. After all, David was called “a man after God’s heart”. If he was such a rollercoaster of emotions, then maybe I’m not so bad either with all of my own ups and downs! 🙂 I’ve learned from David’s writings that I can be real and vulnerable with God.

After having written down the events and the corresponding emotions and prayers that went with them, I also think David was able to look back over them and see how far he’d come and how much he had grown. I do this too when I look back at my own journals.

What might have been some of the other benefits of being able to look back on what he had written? How have others been able to benefit from his notes and writings? In what ways can we follow David’s example of writing things down? What benefits do you think we (and possibly even others) gain from taking notes and writing things down like David did? 

A written account from Mary, the mother of Jesus

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Why You Should Be Taking Notes Old School Style

Here are some reasons why you should be taking notes old school style...using pen and paper as opposed to digitally.

Why You Should Be Taking Notes Old School Style

We talk a lot about taking notes in my classes—both in the college classes I teach and at Glory House, the women’s restoration house where I teach. I wrote previously about why it’s important to write things down and take notes. Some of the benefits I discussed earlier were…

  • It helps the information to sink in.
  • Writing things down gives us something to go back and reference.
  • Our written notes can be a resource to share with others.
  • Writing things down can show us our growth and progress as we look back on our notes.

Today, I thought I’d stay more on the practical side to talk to you about why we should take notes old school style. You know…with actual pen and paper! 🙂 This of course is as opposed to using electronics and devices such as computers, phone, tablets, etc.

But technology makes it easier!

Technology these days has made it so easy to be more efficient and to make things more convenient. Unfortunately, with convenience and efficiency we lose some things. I guess there’s a give and take to anything isn’t there?

Even though there is all kinds of technology out there for taking notes now, I’m still a little bit old school. If I’m in a meeting at work, I pull out the old pen and paper. When I attend a training or a conference, I typically write notes in a journal or spiral notebook. My morning quiet times are ALWAYS accompanied by a pencil and journal. Additionally, I have a journal dedicated specifically for sermon notes at church.

I don’t know why really—I just like to write things out by hand. Partially, I think it forces me to pay better attention because I have to listen in order to take good notes. Another reason might be that I’ve noticed I remember more when I’ve written something out longhand.

I probably look funny at church

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