Tag Archives: funny animals

Funny Friday: Why did the cowboy get a dachshund?

Why did the cowboy get a daschund?

Funny Friday: Why did the cowboy get a dachshund?

My sister sent another funny… Why did the cowboy get a dachshund? Someone told him to get a long little doggie! 🙂 Gotta love the pups’ faces in this meme.

“From his throne in heaven the Lord laughs…” Psalm 2:4 (GNT)

Funny Friday: If you’re having a bad day, look at these…

If you're having a bad day, look at these pictures

Funny Friday: If you’re having a bad day, look at these…

I came across these funny pics and memes on Pinterest via 9gag (original link) for when you’re having a bad day. I thought I’d share them with you to make you smile too! Happy Friday!

“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this…” Ecclesiastes 7:14a (NIV)


Funny Friday: I eat shoes

I help blind people. I protect people. I eat shoes.

Funny Friday: I eat shoes

My friend Gwen sent this meme to me recently. That shoe-eating dog resembles my dog Lucy an awful lot! Hmmm.

“I’ll help the blind walk, even on a road they do not know; I’ll guide thm in directions they do not know. I’ll turn the dark places into light in front of them, and the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I won’t abandon them.” Isaiah 42:16 (ISV)

“…he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3b (NIV)

Funny Friday: Am I doing this right?

Funny Friday: Am I doing this right?

This cute post is courtesy of Cute.est via Instagram. 🙂 I love the puppy!

“…he eats grass like an ox.” Job 40:15b (ESV)