Tag Archives: election

Educate Yourself For Elections

Educate Yourself For Elections

Educate Yourself For Elections

Well, for my United States counterparts this week is big for our country. Unfortunately for many it’s dreaded due to a heated and controversial presidential election. However, today my goal is not to get into the politics of which candidates to choose or how to vote. Rather today I’d like to focus on the importance of and ways to educate yourself for elections.

In fact, I firmly believe not only do you have a civic duty to educate yourself for elections, but a spiritual duty as well. How else can you rightly divide the truth and how you, your community, your country, and ultimately how the Kingdom of God will be impacted?

“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” Colossians 2:8 (NLT)

After all, we WILL be held accountable to God for our actions. Part of those actions will include voting (or the lack of doing so). You cannot vote your convictions if you have not spent the time to educate yourself for elections taking place in your area.

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.” Romans 14:12 (NIV)

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV) 

The Christian duty to vote

“Choose some well-respected men from each tribe who are known for their wisdom and understanding, and I will appoint them as your leaders.” Deuteronomy 1:13 (NLT)

Part of the impact and influence Christians have in this world includes how we vote for the people and laws that lead and govern us.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” Proverbs 14:34 (NIV)

“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.” Proverbs 29:2 (NLT)

I loved this quote… Continue reading