I Cry During Praise and Worship

I Cry During Praise and Worship

I cry during praise and worship. Is that weird? Does anyone else do that? Truthfully, sometimes it does make me a bit self-conscious! I tend to hope nobody sees my tears or sees me trying to covertly wipe my eyes. What if they think I’m weird? What if they think something is wrong? What if they try to console me, and I have to just say, “Oh no, I’m fine. I always cry during praise and worship. I’m just weird like that.”

Of course, it never fails that they play a song at church where I’ll get really emotional, and then right as it finishes they’ll say, “Now turn around and shake somebody’s hand, and have a seat!” Oh great! Not only do I already feel a bit abnormal for crying, but now I have to let somebody see my puffy red eyes, wet face, and maybe even mascara streaks down my face (…that is on the rare occasion that I actually put mascara on that Sunday morning or was brave enough to attempt to apply it in the car while Eric was driving—mascara and lip stains are dangerous to apply in the car you know!).

Do I chance people seeing my blubbery face or do I just come across as rude and sit down quickly bending over as if to grab something out of my purse so people can’t see my face?

Then I remember Nancy

I remember when I was very young, maybe elementary school age, I would be in church singing along to the music, and I would see this lady cry during praise and worship. She did it every time. I don’t know why, but I would just sit there and stare at her sometimes. I couldn’t figure out why she was crying. So one day I asked my mom, “Hey mom, why does Nancy always cry during praise and worship? Is she sad?” I can’t remember my mom’s exact words, but she tried to explain to me that Nancy was not sad. Quite the opposite actually. My mom said she was crying because she was happy and because she loved God so much.

I didn’t understand then. It wasn’t until I was older and experienced some of the same emotions myself that I understood. Remembering Nancy has helped me process my reaction as an adult. It helps me to say, “It’s okay if I cry during praise and worship. I’m not crazy, and I’m not alone. Remember Nancy? She cried too.”

Why I cry

I think I cry for the same reason my mom said Nancy did—because I love God so much. Not to say that when I don’t cry (or that those that don’t cry) that I don’t love God. I don’t cry EVERY time. There are just times when the emotions are just so strong, and I can’t hold back my tears. I believe I am overcome with emotion because I am experiencing God’s presence, because I am remembering what the Lord has done for me and who He is, and/or because of what the words of the songs mean to me in that moment.

I cry because I feel God’s presence

When I cry during praise and worship, I think it’s in those moments where I am fully involved in worship, kind of like it says in John where we worship “in spirit and in truth”. Jesus said God is looking for those who will worship him that way.

I think this kind of praise and worship invites God’s tangible presence in. I believe He is always there with us (Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5, Deuteronomy 31:8). However, I believe there are times where we can physically and tangibly feel his presence (his “glory”). Feeling his presence in this way often makes me overcome with emotion. The bible says that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy.

“But the time is coming–indeed it’s here now–when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.John 4:23 (NLT)

“But you are holy, O you that inhabit the praises of Israel.” Psalm 22:3 (AKJV)

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 (ESV)

Our praise and worship draws us near to God and cries out to God as if to say as Moses did, “God, come near. Show me your glory. Let me experience your presence.”

Come close to God, and God will come close to you…” James 4:8a (NLT)

“Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.” Exodus 33:18 (NLT)

I cry because of what the words mean

Many of the words of praise and worship songs contain reminders of what God has done for me and of who He is. It’s quite humbling to get a realization of how big and powerful God really is. It’s also touching to recognize and remember how God has moved on my behalf.

Often the words of praise and worship music have so much meaning at different points in my life. These words might bring healing or comfort in times of pain (I wrote before about how praise is like spiritual Prozac!). They might contain promises that give me hope. Sometimes the lyrics help me to see things or people like God sees them. Furthermore, one of the most powerful times when I find myself starting to cry during praise and worship is when the song becomes a personal prayer sang out from some of the deepest parts of my soul and being (talk about a real tear fest!).

It’s okay to cry

I know sometimes it can be embarrassing to be overcome with emotion. It can make us feel very self-conscious. But it’s okay—you’re not crazy and you’re not weird. I don’t care if you’re a male or female. All genders experience emotions. We are all made in God’s image after all, and He experiences emotions too (more here about that).

Here’s another great blog post on why some people cry during praise and worship.

Take Some Practical Steps if You Cry During Praise and Worship:

  • First, remember that it’s okay to cry! You’re not a weirdo. **See previous paragraph 🙂 Nancy cried. I cry. And I’ll bet some people around you might be crying too (they just don’t want you to see!).
  • Secondly, it’s completely okay if you DON’T cry. Weeping is not a prerequisite to being a “good Christian” nor does it mean that you are any closer to God than anyone else. Some people experience different emotions, on different levels, at different times.
  • Next, don’t be embarrassed. Expressing emotions are completely normal and completely healthy. Now, wailing loudly might be a bit distracting to those around you, so maybe try and keep that to a minimum. 😉 Even if somebody sees you, you shouldn’t be concerned about what they might think. Honestly, it might even be helpful for them to see you so they know that it’s okay and normal when they experience those same emotions too.
  • Finally, know that your tears are sweet to God because they are an unselfish act of surrender. 

**You might also like this post “Our Soul Longs for God” which also explains some of our tearful emotions.**

What makes you cry during praise and worship? Share it with us by leaving a comment below.

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If you know anyone that could benefit from this, please pay it forward!  Share this post via the sharing links below.  “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV) 

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21 thoughts on “I Cry During Praise and Worship

  1. Steve Donaghy

    Alot of times during worship and begin to feel the holy spirit that feeling just feel so good I just start bawling when I feel God so close

  2. Marlen Perez

    When I first started noticing this I thought it was because I was going through some tough times and through certain sermons I felt God was speaking directly to me but now I’m realizing that it happens anytime I am truly feeling the word of the lord or the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it’s overwhelming and if people saw me would probably think that something is wrong but really there isn’t. Feels good to know I’m not weird lol Thank you for your post! God bless.

  3. jenny

    hi sis.. i’m also a victim of being emotional in times of praise and worshipping at our church. there are really songs that affect my emotion that while singing those words, i can’t sing because of my crying. there is also a time that when i sing a song at home with a guitar, a song of praise to God, the song “Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me” while singing of this i thought about my sins and to ask God to forgive me because sometimes i feel like asking forgiveness many times i remember Jesus. though i don’t see Jesus, i have faith in Him and always pray to Him in times of trouble, sickness, thankful, and many like to ask God in our daily life. i don’t go to church every sunday but i ask Jesus to let me remember Him everyday. i feel you sis in this link i had read. thank you so much for this. God bless! and i love you.😍

  4. D. Young

    I always cry when I feel close to God or when I is sharing a His heart with me. Yeas ago I used to be so embarrassed that I asked to take it away. People at church were looking at me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Guess what? God took it away. Well after going to church for awhile I realized that I didn’t have the same sensitivity to the worship. I told the Lord that I was sorry and that I didn’t care what others thought. He gave it back to me. Since the then I have had to deal with people looking at me as if I must have so horrible situation going on. They would ask it I needed prayer and I would say no thank you I just feel God so close. After awhile they got used to me and I started wearing waterproof mascara! Ha, ha!

  5. Kevin

    I had been atheist for several years before becoming a Christ follower 2 years ago. Since then, I am a constant tear factory…during prayer and worship music. I just feel this welling up and tugging inside that says to let it go. And it feels wonderful. It feels like I am bathing in pure love. I’m sure I am an ugly mess when I do it, but I still let it go. I try to keep my noise down. I save the more audible sobs for when I have the freedom of a solo household and let it out louder than when I am in church. I have always considered or assumed it was a gift from God to be able to feel this close. So now the days that it doesn’t happen start to feel more weird than when they do lol.

    1. Tracy Robbins Post author

      Thank you for sharing Kevin. I know several can relate (myself included)! It does sometimes feel weird for me too when I don’t get emotional now. I have to remind myself sometimes though that a lack of emotions doesn’t mean that God is not present or that I am not loved. It also doesn’t mean that something is wrong with me (which I have sometimes thought). I have to be careful of not being led by emotions—emotions are merely indicators, not leaders. I have to be purposeful in not following them or letting them drive me or my actions (or in trying to manifest them). It does feel wonderful to tangibly feel God’s presence though, doesn’t it? 😊

  6. Kimberly

    I have been this way since I was a child. Even when I went to church as a teenager I was a horrible sinner so I thought it was my conscious which made me feel worse like I wasn’t worthy to be there. Then in my 30s when I made my way back to Jesus even more tears even while talking about God/Jesus to others, not to mention while praying alone or singing. Now almost in my 50’s like a child I still cry. I think it’s the Holy Spirit talking to my spirit and my mind doesn’t understand so I cry because I feel so much love I can’t process it any other way.

    1. Diane Tecic

      I have cried at church ever since I was really young..probably 1st grade if not before. The tears would just flow out of me and I had no control. My parents and others asked what was wrong and tried to comfort me but I had no explanation. And then going to a Catholic school, we also had religion class and prep for first holy communion and penance. I would cry or at least be welling up through all of that too. It was so embarrassing being in grammar school when you’re friends and classmates would ask why and I could not explain it at all. The music and singing would really bring on the tears too. When it came time for confirmation, I think I was the only one in class who didn’t get confirmed. All my experiences at church had been so weird and inexplicable that I just couldn’t call ntinue on. At that age, how could one understand what’s behind the flood of emotion?

      As an adult, I have gone back to church on occasion and I definitely still cry. And it is still not entirely clear to me why. I think some of the writes reasons might be on point. I am a very sensitive soul. One person suggested that I was feeling the true presence of god and it was just overwhelming. That’s the best explanation I’ve had because as a child I would not have fully absorbed all the meaning in the gospels and Jesus’ sacrifice for us. I recently talked to my mom about it and she is a crier too…although she wasn’t when I was very young. She thought that maybe seeing the big cross with Jesus hanging, nailed to it, and all the suffering in the bible could have affected me, but I just don’t know…still

      However, I am no longer as embarrassed as I used to be and if anyone asks, I say it is just what I do.

      Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one!


  7. Jennifer Sims

    I feel like I could’ve written this! I didn’t know there were others, honestly. Listening in the car, at home, singing to myself, in service—all times I find myself crying in praise.

  8. Arlene B

    I challenge ANYONE to sing Hallelujah or Bridge over troubled waters and NOT cry. I think it may be a path for the Devine to enter you. Bless you all. Try the challenge.

  9. Craig

    Tracy, thank you so much for writing this open, honest, well thought out article about something I have felt self conscious about for most of my life.

    I believe that the main reason I weep when praying is because part of me realizes how unworthy I am of the magnificent love, grace, and mercy shown to me through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the unending love of the Father.

    It is reaffirming/comforting to know I am not alone in my experience in prayer and worship, and that someday when we are all up in Heaven while there will be no more need for sad tears, maybe celebratory ones will still be ok!!! We can all cry tears of joy together 🙂

  10. Katherine Moyers

    I have a question if was crying at church can a pastor or elder take you in the back of the auditorium and sit down with you

    1. Tracy Robbins Post author

      Hi Katherine, the answer to your question probably depends on the individual church and their policies and procedures. I would imagine that in most churches that would not happen if it was quiet and not a distraction to the teaching or people around the person crying. However, I can see how that might be something done in a situation where a person was crying very loudly and thus causing a distraction or a hindrance to those surrounding that person. The elders or pastor might also be concerned about that person’s well-being and might want to check on that person to see if they’re ok in a more private setting. I hope that answers your question.

  11. Michele

    I cry every single time I am in church when I open myself to His word and also when I’m listening to Christian music. When in the presence of certain people I will close myself off so I don’t get emotional and have recently started to enjoy going to church alone or just with my children so I don’t feel embarrassed by crying and can remain open to receiving His word. I think I do it because I’m overwhelmed by God’s love for me and also repent over the years I denied Him while I was suffering from trauma and loss. It’s truly overwhelming and tears just stream down my face. I also feel completely exhausted and drained after service. It is comforting to see others experience this as well.

  12. Sandy

    Thank you so much for this post. You spoke my words and thoughts exactly. I never cry about anything but I cry or sob almost everytime I worship or pray or even talk about God. You have allowed me to feel somewhat normal 😉 (there’s a limit 🤭). I’m starting to joke that I’m going to dehydrate….. Thanks again.

  13. Diane

    I decided to Google why do I cry during worship and am glad I found this post. I was wondering why do I cry during worship and feel like I want to explode in millions of pieces. I become totally undone when I sing unto the Lord. I believe that I am just so overwhelmed by his presence and think about his goodness, his love, his mercy! I remember a time before I got saved. I went to church one day with my family and everyone was singing and worshipping and I felt this weird overwhelming feeling as if I wanted to cry. Well I kindly removed myself and said I was going to the bathroom to gather myself. Today, I look back and laugh, cry with arms wide open because I LOVE the Lord and am unshamed and I am glad that I am not alone.


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